CBD Product Manufacturers Await FDA Guidelines on Hemp Derived CBD

Contract Manufacturing

Things are heating up for CBD product manufacturers after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Many are busy applying for licensing, getting financing in order and building out infrastructure to serve a burgeoning market in need of clean and consistent CBD end products.

Still, hemp derived CBD product manufacturers are waiting on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s guidelines. These guidelines will detail what foods, beverages, drugs, and cosmetics CBD concentrates can be put into.

The status quo is outlined in the Marijuana Business Daily article, “FDA maintains ban on CBD in food, but promises further review.” This article quotes FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s press release, “It’s unlawful to introduce food containing added CBD or THC into interstate commerce, or to market CBD or THC products as, or in, dietary supplements, regardless of whether the substances are hemp-derived” (MJBizDaily 2018).

Years of prohibition have left replicable, clinic studies on the effects of CBD, and THC alike, in short supply. In order to regulate CBD end products for human, animal consumption the FDA must be able to point to a large body of reputable research to back their claims.

CBD Product Manufacturers Should Get a Head Start on Marketing

Nevertheless, it’s the perfect time to “start marketing anyway,” according to the Hemp Industry Daily article, “FDA Crystal Ball: 5 expert tips on CBD in the newly legal hemp industry.” Kristen Nichols writes:

“Don’t wait for a green light to market your CBD products and educate consumers on what your hemp-infused product does, said Hilal Tabsh, a former Red Bull marketing and distribution executive who was recently hired by Denver-based Dixie Brands” (Nichols 2019).

There’s no shortage of demand for CBD products. Soon, there will be no shortage of CBD product manufacturers. There is, however, an absence in the supply of high quality and consistency that one would expect with such hefty prices tags.

In this growing industry, it’s important to do your due diligence before committing to online purchases from unknown brands and brokers. Review labels to know what ingredients are listed. Always look for up-to-date Certificates of Analysis (COA) to ensure product quality.

Nemadji Produced Hemp
Takeaways for CBD Product Manufacturers:
  • FDA oversight won’t include criminal charges now that CBD is no longer a controlled substance, Custer said. “They’ve sanctioned, they’ve fined, there have been civil lawsuits – but they’re not shutting people down” (Nichols 2019).
  • “People are rushing to put (CBD) into food, not knowing whether the CBD they put in is still there one month, two months, three months after they bottled the product,” Custer said (Nichols 2019).

At Nemadji we provide high-quality hemp processing and end product formulations in a GMP facility to deliver a clean, green and consistent product line. From CBD isolate to distillate to crystals to oil, we have the proven track record to create white label branding your vendors and customers will keep coming back for.

If you’re a hemp farmer looking for a processing partner, we’ve got your back! Fill out a contact form, or call us at 1 (715) 318-0026 to see what we can do for you today!