Separate CBD and THC from Hemp Extracts


One key problem that hemp cultivators have is breeding plants that have the proper CBD to THC ratio. In order to qualify as industrial hemp in the U.S., the THC in the plant material must be less than 0.3% w/w.

When cultivators are successful in producing compliant biomass that is subsequently extracted, the resulting oil can contain a significantly higher concentration of THC w/w. This effectively makes the oil too concentrated to possess or sell. Often the material is destroyed, is diluted, or is further processed to remove THC from the oil.

Here is a short video that explains the issue and the process of separation:

Nemadji has the capability to completely separate CBD from THC at scale, using separation science techniques like chromatography. We are able to do this with the the Pure99 systems manufactured by United Science. If you have a crop that is assaying on the edge and would like to extract it but are worried that it will contain too much THC, please contact us to do the following:

  1. We will extract the material.
  2. In a continuous process, we will also separate the CBD from the THC. The separation process destroys the THC.
  3. Obtain CBD that is free or within the limits of allowable THC.

Call 1-(715)-318-0026 to start processing today!